Friday, August 22, 2014

"Summer days are gone too soon..."

   So I start school on Monday. 


   Just kill me now. 

   I'm not ready in the least sense of the word.
   But instead of making this a depressing post,  I'm gonna force myself to look on the bright side and remember all the good things that happened this summer. Or do as Dr. Suess says:

   So here's some random moments and lovely things of this summer that I thought I'd share:

1. Starting this blog.
2. Car rides with friends, with the windows rolled down, hair blowing, and screaming out lyrics to "Classic".
3. Bonfires (especially late night ones on the lake under the stars).
4.  Picking up my ukelele after a year of not playing it.
5. Going tubing and jet skiing for the first time.
6. Watching a LOT of new chick flicks...I'm a little obsessed haha.
7. Getting back into ballroom dancing and the wonderful exhaustion that comes after it.
8. Late-night grocery store runs with the sis (I think we scared everyone out of there).
9. Learning to shoot a gun (most terrifying thing you'll ever see).
10. Figuring out how to make my own vanilla lattes for the times when I can't get out to Starbucks. And having them actually taste good.
11. "Helping" my sister and best friend take the ALS ice bucket challenge (a.k.a. dumping it on them). It brought me so much satisfaction.

   Although I'm saying adieu to summer, just recalling the memories of it helps soften the blow.

   If you're going back to school soon, then I'd suggest doing this too.

   And if you aren't going back for a few more weeks, well I don't like you. 

Anyway, hope that inspires you to get out there and make the most of the last bit of summer!

1 comment:

  1. So many exciting things for you this summer! (i applaud the learning how to shoot a gun. :) I don't start school for a couple weeks- but hope you start out well:D love you and miss you.
